
User Guide


Create, Read, Complete, Delete Tasks

There are three types of tasks: ToDo, Deadline and Event. You will be able to create tasks, view the current list of tasks, complete or delete specific or multiple tasks.

Find tasks

You may search for tasks which contains any string of your choice.

Local Data Storage

Your task list will be saved locally and loaded in whenever you open the application.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The application is user-friendly and easy to use as it runs on a GUI.



[parameter] denotes a parameter. Parameters are required.

(arguments) denotes optional arguments. The command will run with or without this part of the input.

todo [task description] - Add a To-do type task.

Adds a ToDo type task with a description to your task list.

Example usage:

todo test

Expected outcome:

>> Task has been added:
>> [T][✘] test
>> You now have 1 tasks in the list

deadline [task description] /by [deadline] (time) - Add a Deadline type task.

Adds a Deadline type task with a description and deadline to your task list. Deadline may be a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD, and may include a time in 24 hour format of HH:MM.

Example usage:

deadline project /by 2020-09-29 18:00

Expected outcome:

>> Task has been added:
>> [D][✘] project (by: Sep 29 2020 6:00 PM)
>> You now have 2 tasks in the list

event [task description] /by [event date] (time) - Add an Event type task.

Adds an Event type task with a description and event date to your task list. Event time may be a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD, and may include a time in 24 hour format of HH:MM.

Example usage:

event concert /at 2020-10-10

Expected outcome:

>> Task has been added:
>> [E][✘] concert (at: Oct 10 2020)
>> You now have 3 tasks in the list

done [task number] - Marks a task as done.

Indicates that the corresponding task in the list is completed.

Example usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

>> Task completed: [D][✓] project (by: Sep 29 2020 6:00 PM)

delete [task number] - Deletes a task.

Removes the corresponding task number from the task list.

Example usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

>> Task has been removed.
>> [T][✘] test
>> You now have 2 tasks in the list

list - Displays your current Task List.

Displays all tasks, along with their type, date and completion status.

Expected outcome:

>> Here are the tasks in your list:
>> 1.[D][✓] project (by: Sep 29 2020 6:00 PM)
>> 2.[E][✘] concert (at: Oct 10 2020) 

find [key string] - Finds tasks.

Displays all tasks which contain the key string in the task description.

Example usage:

find project

Expected outcome:

>> Here are the matching tasks in your list:
>> 1.[D][✘] project (by: Sep 29 2020 6:00 PM)
>> 2.[T][✓] group project

clear - Resets your current Task List.

Remove all tasks from your current task list.

Expected outcome:

>> Task List has been cleared.

bye - Exits duke.

Closes duke, and saves your task list to the hard drive. It will be automatically loaded the next time Duke is opened.